Features and Articles about TKD Power™ Members and Events ...
Submitted by:
Mr. Gary Bettwsworth 3rd Dan
Commencing 27th January 2012, this 3 day event was for ITF members 2nd kup and above. The course was friendly, informative, interesting and motivating.
The course brought together 240 students and instructors, who all wanted to share, encourage and perform the art of Taekwon-Do.
The course was conducted by the ITF Technical Committee;
Grand Master Hector Marano, Grand Master Willem Jacob Bos; and Grand Master Ung Kim Lan.
Every pattern up to the individual’s level was covered. Specific advice was given as the pattern was performed and then an opportunity for questions and answers followed.
When Grand Master Marano was asked the rationale for certain movements inva pattern his answer was “not all movements in the Taekwon-Do patterns have application in the modern world, they are performed out of respect for General Choi`s training”.
Balance and aesthetic appearance were also reasons for certain moves.
Step Sparring
This sectioned was facilitated by Grand Master Bos who dlineated the following specific points:
Needs preparation and creativity, we were encouraged to invest more time in our step sparring.
Use the correct attacking tool against the correct vital point with the correct application.
Particularly when preparing and learning the techniques, attack should be shown and then the defence with no contact. Mark it out to make sure it will work. Then try it to speed.
Use moves from the specific patterns you are learning for attacks and defence.
Free Sparring
Facilitated by Grand Master Lan. Specific drills were practised. Specific points covered were:
Touch with every attack.
Don`t let your opponent counter.
Be calm, focused, ready, good timing, good distance, have intuition.
Use breathing exercises to help calmness.
Attack with safety.
Always change speed and rhythm so opponent can not read your moves.
If your opponent uses the same rhythm and speed, this helps you read their moves.
Don’t be predictable, move in different directions.
Don`t show pain, fear or if tired.
Always think positive.
Fight every fight as if its your last, give your best throughout the whole fight.
If you lose a competition fight, learn from it, move on, leave it behind, win the next fight.
Self Defence
Facilitated by Grand Master Lan:
There are no rules in a street confrontation.
Taekwon-Do offers, fitness, confidence, good training routine, good timing, to be calm, safe and intuitive.
Avoid street fight if at all possible.
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