All examinations are subject to the rules and regulations of the International
Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF). TKD Power™ strictly enforces ITF standards to
ensure that members can be assured that their achievements are globally
recognised ... guaranteed. |
All applications must be received by the Secretary on or before the advertised
application deadline. This will be announced well in advance on the
TKD Power™ Calendar on this website.
Only applications on the official form will be accepted. All fees must be
sent through Paypal and the correct payment reference marked on the application
form. |
Grading Application Form |
TKD Power™ Examination Panels are always headed by an
ITF Certified
Examiner. The required qualifications for an examiner (by-law 7.3.3) are: |
- Minimum
age 21 years
- Minimum 4th Degree Black Belt
- Certified ITF International Instructor
- Current ITF Teaching Plaque |
Under ITF regulations
(bylaw 7.2.1) an examiner may certify a student up to the following
grades: |
Examiner |
Authority (up to and including) |
IV Dan |
I Dan |
V Dan |
II Dan |
VI Dan |
III Dan |
VII Dan |
VI Dan |
ITF Masters Promotion Committee |
VIII Dan |
ITF Board of Directors & General Assembly |
IX Dan |
* Promotions to IV Dan and higher are considered international promotions.
Candidates are required to apply to the ITF Secretary General's Office for
permission to test to these grades at least 6 months before the proposed
TKD Power™ members are required to submit a thesis for promotion to IV Dan.
IV Dan is considered to be expert level. The thesis is expected to
represent evidence that the particular student has appropriate knowledge and
experience to be recognised as an expert in Taekwon-Do. |
A thesis may be on any subject that can be related to any aspect of Taekwon-Do,
including, but not limited to: analysis of techniques; history; societal impact;
health and well being; personal development, child development; business and
administration, application and practice. |
The thesis must be written in an academic style and include references to
supporting documents and publication. Assistance will be given to
candidates from a non-academic background in the preparation of the thesis,
which is expected to take between 6 months and 1 year to completion.
Candidates should consult with their instructors early to ensure that any
proposed thesis is appropriate. |
The thesis will help to extend the esoteric body of knowledge that constitutes
Taekwon-Do and may be submitted for publication in refereed journals. |
It is assumed in all cases, that the minimum requirements
include the entire sillabus for
physical performance and theory appropriate to each grade and available to all
members in the member area. |
Grade |
Belt |
Minimum Requirements |
9th Kup |
Yellow Tab |
1 month training
You must ensure that you have uploaded a current passport style photo in your
member area profile, and ensure that all stored personal details are accurate
and correct. The photo should be in shirt and tie for adults, or smart
dress for children (school uniform would be suitable) |
8th Kup |
Yellow |
1 month training
You are required to own a full set of approved sparring equipment to include
headguard, foot and hand protectors, gum shield. Shin guards are mandatory
for juniors (optional for adults) and groin guards are mandatory for all males. |
7th Kup |
Green Tab |
2 months training |
6th Kup |
Green |
2 months training |
5th Kup |
Blue Tab |
3 months training |
4th Kup |
Blue |
3 months training |
3rd Kup |
Red Tab |
4 months training |
2nd Kup |
Red |
4 months training
If you intend to be considered for group, national or continental representative
teams, or tournament sparring participation, you are required to own a full set
of RED and BLUE approved sparring equipment to include headguard, foot and hand
protectors, gum shield. Shin guards are mandatory for juniors (optional
for adults) and groin guards are mandatory for all males. |
1st Kup |
Black Tab |
5 months training |
I Dan |
Black |
5 months training, minimum age 10 years |
II Dan |
Black |
18 months training, minimum age 14 years
3 months can be deducted if the candidate participates at one or more IIC during
preparation period. |
III Dan |
Black |
2 years months training, minimum age 16 years.
3 months can be deducted if the candidate participates at one or more IIC
during preparation period. |
IV Dan |
Black |
3 years training, minimum age 21 years,
1 IIC must be attended during preparation period.
6 months can be deducted if the candidate participates at one or more IIC
during preparation period. |
V Dan |
Black |
4 years training, 1 IIC must be attended during preparation period.
6 months can be deducted if the candidate participates at one or more IIC
during preparation period. |
VI Dan |
Black |
5 years training, 1 IIC must be attended during preparation period.
6 months can be deducted if the candidate participates at one or more IIC
during preparation period. |
(Master) |
Black |
6 years training, 2 IIC's must be attended during preparation period. |
(Master) |
Black |
7 years training, 2 IIC's must be attended during preparation period.
Curriculum vitae, Thesis, Letter of approval of NA or AA are also required. |
IX Dan
(Grand Master) |
Black |
8 years active training, must participate at least at two IIC’s during the
preparation period plus:
- endorsement and nomination by min. three 9th Degrees
- long standing and accomplished ambassador for Taekwon-Do in home country
- attendance at tribunal of the Master Promotion Committee panel
Additionally the promotion committee may require:
- a special work given by the Board of Directors and complied by the candidate
- having under his Leadership/Instruction 3 Masters in activity |
Grade |
Fee |
Includes |
10th Kup - 1st Kup |
£13.50 per Kup grade |
- Physical Examination & Oral Theory Test
- Belt (where required)
- TKD Power™ Certificate signed by authorised ITF International Instructor
available through the members area online
- There is no fee for examination retakes, for candidates who fail promotion
1st Degree
(I Dan) |
£100.00 |
- Physical Examination & Written Theory Test
- ITF Approved Embroidered Belt with Candidates Names and Grade
- TKD Power™ Certificate signed by authorised ITF International Instructor
available through the members area online
- ITF International Degree Certificate
- ITF International Identity Card and Mini Certificate for access to International
Events and Cahmpionships
- ITF Black Belt Lapel Badge
- TKD Power™ Association Black Belt Tie
- Additionally, candidates may pre-order a Black Belt Dobok, with appropriate trim
for £38.00
- There is no fee for examination retakes, for candidates who fail promotion
2nd Degree (II Dan) |
£150.00 |
- Physical Examination & Written Theory Test
- ITF Approved Embroidered Belt with Candidates Names and Grade
- TKD Power™ Certificate signed by authorised ITF International Instructor
available through the members area online
- ITF International Degree Certificate
- ITF International Identity Card and Mini Certificate for access to International
Events and Championships
- There is no fee for examination retakes, for candidates who fail promotion
3rd Degree (III Dan) |
£200.00 |
- Physical Examination & Written Theory Test
- ITF Approved Embroidered Belt with Candidates Names and Grade
- TKD Power™ Certificate signed by authorised ITF International Instructor
available through the members area online
- ITF International Degree Certificate
- ITF International Identity Card and Mini Certificate for access to International
Events and Championships
- There is no fee for examination retakes, for candidates who fail promotion
IV Degree (IV Dan) |
Current ITF Certification Fees (Please verify with your instructor) |
- Application to ITF HQ for permission for testing
- External Examiner Fees
- Physical Examination
- Oral & Written Theory Test
- Consideration of Thesis
- ITF Approved Embroidered Belt with Candidates Names and Grade
- TKD Power™ Certificate signed by authorised ITF International Instructor
available through the members area online
- ITF International Degree Certificate
- ITF International Identity Card and Mini Certificate for access to International
Events and Championships
- TKD Power™ Association IVth Degree Black Belt Tie
Promotion to grades above IV Dan are subject to prevailing international
requirements and fees.
Members may be required to test at venues or events designated by the ITF or
National Governing Body. |
Examiners have absolute discretion to award the following results for colour belt
- Fail
- Recertification/Acceptance of current grade*
- Pass
- Merit
- Distinction
Candidates who achieve a pass at Distinction level may reduce the minimum time
between examinations by 50%. In very exceptional circumstances, the
examiner may instead choose to award a double promotion up to and including
promotion to 1st Kup. Double promotions may be subject to scrutiny by the
management committee and Examiners may be required to justify their decision. |
Candidates who fail colourbelt examinations may retake the examination with no
further fee requirement. |
*'Recertification/Acceptance of current grade' is only available to
colourbelt members
who may have joined TKD Power™ having already achieved grade promotion from
non-ITF groups. Any requirement for recertification is
entirely at the discretion of the Instructor of the individual concerned.
Examiners are expected to award results in accordance with ITF current
guidelines. Candidates will be advised of pertaining guidelines upon
application. |
TKD Power™ only awards, and therefore will only recognise, black belt
certification issued by the legally recognised international governing body for
ITF Taekwon-Do ( We reserve the absolute right to refuse
to accept any black belt certification from non-ITF Groups, or, at our discretion,
refer cases to the ITF Secretariat for individual consideration. |
We strongly recommend to those who may be considering taking up Taekwon-Do, that
they ensure that any club or group that they choose is legally constituted,
appropriately insured, and registered with the correct legal governing body for
ITF Taekwon-Do. TKD Power™ will be pleased to verify the ITF status of any
school in our operating districts. Please Contact Us for more information. |
Results of all grading examinations will be published at and may be referred to
local or national media groups for onward publication (subject to our child
protection policies and procedure, where appropriate). |